Day One

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

8:00 am Registration & Morning Coffee

8:50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

  • Ricardo Ekmay Senior Vice President Research & Development, Arbiom

Delving Into ML & High Throughput to Encourage Desired Alternative Protein Outcomes & Enhanced Efficacy

9:00 am Using High Throughput Synthetic Biology to Encourage Desired Alternative Food Ingredient Outcomes & Enhanced Efficacy


  • Discussing how to implement high throughput synthetic biology to ensure you engineer strains with value added on time
  • Identifying skills required to create an effective strain engineering pipeline
  • Designing an early high-throughput analytical pipeline for food ingredient strain engineering

9:30 am Streamlining Host Selection & Post-Translational Modifications to Produce Desired Function, Taste & Texture


  • Adapting your strain in alignment with phosphorylation efforts to enhance desired outcomes
  • Exploring advanced high throughput scanning techniques targeted to best select functional proteins producing high titer
  • Leveraging predictive ML techniques to direct phosphorylation and disulphide bond modifications for optimal structure, function, and stability

Evolving Your Experimental Design & Strain Engineering to Minimize Trial & Error & Enhance Engineering Speed

10:00 am Advancing from Standard DoE to Active Learning to Select Appropriate Experiments for Strain Optimization


  • Leveraging synthetic biology and advanced tools to minimize experimentation and enhance efficiency in the strain optimization process
  • Optimizing existing data to inform machine learning models for fit-for-purpose design of experiments
  • Understanding how to best adopt comparison of experiments parameters to streamline engineering speed

10:30 am Speed Networking & Morning Coffee Break

11:30 am Curating Robust Strains Equipped to Handle Industrial Relevant Conditions to Minimize Later Stage Failures


  • Inducing multi-stress levels in strains to promote tolerance towards temperature changes to minimize production failures
  • Assessing how to effectively build a scale down model to predict large scale performance and inform optimal decision making
  • Securing compatibility between strains and feedstock to prepare for bioreactor conditions and future-proof protein production

Uncovering Synthetic Biology & Automation Strategies to Carve Out Your Future Strain Engineering With Quick Turnaround & Quality Strains

12:00 pm Fireside Chat: Addressing End-to-End Assessments From Strain Engineering-to- Ingredient Development to Future-Proof Commercialization


  • Assessing best platforms using advanced strain engineering tools to promote speed and minimize cost
  • Learning how to undertake yield and scalability assessments with partners pre-production to future-proof commercialization
  • Addressing and evaluating late-stage ingredient-development to promote commercial use from an ingredient supplier perspective

12:30 pm Continuously Integrating High Throughput Screening & Testing with Cross-Team Feedback for Quicker Strain Optimization

  • Neil Adames Senior Scientist I, Strain Engineering, New Culture


  • Implementing high throughput pipelines at all steps of strain development and optimization workflows
  • Exploring microfluidic approaches to automate your strain engineering with higher efficiency and consistency
  • Addressing how to best automate data management for enhanced detection and decision making

1:00 pm Networking Lunch

2:00 pm Paving the Way for Microfluidics as the Future of Characterization to Set Up for Engineering Success

  • Hal Alper Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin


  • Utilizing microfluidics to characterize proteins produced by strains to inform decision making in choice of protein and volume of protein
  • Screening orders of magnitude with large biological sets to increase titer and deliver on unit of economics
  • Setting up large libraries of characterization for automation to accelerate engineering and minimize time spent in early phases of protein producti

2:30 pm Discussing Strain Optimization Using Computational Models of Gene Expression to Prepare for Future Production

  • Tamir Tuller Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Imagindairy


  • Monitoring gene expression in your strains via NGS
  • Modeling and engineering gene expression to improve growth and production
  • Improving genetic stability based on computational models to enhance efficiency

3:00 pm Afternoon Break & Networking

Reaching New Strain Optimization Heights to Prepare for Scalability & Minimize Economic Restraints

3:45 pm Fireside Chat: Exploring Strain Optimization Opportunities to Best Navigate Biological Complexity & Achieve Desired Protein Results


  • Exploring how to advance your current strain optimization procedures to accompany protein expectations
  • Understanding how to consider yield and scalability considerations during early strain optimization phases
  • Discussing ultra-high throughput opportunities to maximize strain modifications fit for production

4:30 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks & End of Day One

  • Ricardo Ekmay Senior Vice President Research & Development, Arbiom