Katia Merten-Lentz

Katia Merten-Lentz

Company: Food Law Science & Partners

Job title: Partner & Food lawyer


Undertaking a Global Approach to Regulatory & Go-to-Market for Precision Fermentation-Derived Alternative Proteins to Streamline Commercialization 1:45 pm

Addressing the underlying nuances of data protection specific to innovative ingredients to future-proof your regulatory approach Exploring US vs EU regulatory processes to further your understanding and adopt confidence during alternative protein production Outlining regulatory submission and landscape analysis to inform decision-making from strain to alternative protein productRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Roundtable Discussion: Understanding Priorities During Strain Engineering to Direct Your Approach Fit for Regulatory Approval 2:15 pm

Uncovering the current and future regulatory landscape to understand the capabilities of your strains Exploring labelling requirements for precision strains to enable commercial and regulatory success Understanding the requirements of novel protein design to help streamline regulatory strategyRead more

day: Conference Day Two

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