Hal Alper

Hal Alper

Company: University of Texas at Austin

Job title: Professor of Chemical Engineering


Paving the Way for Microfluidics as the Future of Characterization to Set Up for Engineering Success 2:00 pm

Utilizing microfluidics to characterize proteins produced by strains to inform decision making in choice of protein and volume of protein Screening orders of magnitude with large biological sets to increase titer and deliver on unit of economics Setting up large libraries of characterization for automation to accelerate engineering and minimize time spent in early phases…Read more

day: Conference Day One

Advancing Ultra High Throughput Techniques to Enhance Phenotype Selectivity With a Speedy Turnaround 9:05 am

High throughput screening techniques could be the perfect solution to your engineering troubles, but there are still leaps and bounds to be made in satisfying your strain engineering requirements. Accommodating the difficulties in selecting the strain that’s producing your ideal quantity and quality of protein, this workshop is here to empower your screening approach and…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day

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