David Block

David Block

Company: UC Davis

Job title: Professor and Chair


Advancing from Standard DoE to Active Learning to Select Appropriate Experiments for Strain Optimization 10:00 am

Leveraging synthetic biology and advanced tools to minimize experimentation and enhance efficiency in the strain optimization process Optimizing existing data to inform machine learning models for fit-for-purpose design of experiments Understanding how to best adopt comparison of experiments parameters to streamline engineering speedRead more

day: Conference Day One

Uncovering Data-Informed Machine Learning to Power Your Strain Optimization 1:05 pm

Amidst the current landscape of automation, AI and digital progression, it’s become well established that machine learning can be used for predictive advantages. But how can strain optimization experts leverage this to their benefit? Join this workshop to learn from data science and ML experts to: Explore what’s realistic from a strain optimization standpoint in…Read more

day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day

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